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Also known as František, Franta, FF, FranzArt4u, Frans 6-4.
Artist, collector, backgammon aficionado. And beer.
Dansk Backgammon Forbund member #4.
Dad of Lukáš Machata.

Born January 1, 1947, in Svitavy, former Czechoslovakia.

Frans 2019-01-30
Frans 2019-01-30. Photo © Kaspar Würgler

Died peacefully in his bed at home in Copenhagen, Denmark, probably between March 20–25, 2020.
His body was found on March 31, 2020, which is now the official date of death.

Ashes scattered on May 6, 2020, near Christiania, Copenhagen.

Scattered ashes
Scattered ashes 2020-05-06. Photo © Lukáš Machata